Mentoring & Coaching in Education: A Guide to Coaching and Mentoring Teachers at Every Stage of their Careers

Mosaic Book of the Term Spring 2024
We’re so pleased to have been voted book of the term at Mosaic, with our book being given away in their prize draw. Read the full review here, written by Written by Rob Caudwell, Co-Founder of Penrose Education.
“Right from the beginning, the authors are clear that this book has not been written to advocate a particular approach to or style of mentoring and coaching. Instead the book aims to offer cross-cutting advice and tools or frameworks for how to support mentors and coaches – whatever stage of career their mentee/coachee is. This flexible, broad, rich, yet still practical advice for mentor and coach development is the first thing I liked about this book.”
“By taking the approach of curating a “toolkit” for mentors and coaches, Oberholzer and Boyle have succeeded in making this book incredibly useful and versatile. Anyone wanting to develop their understanding of and skills in mentoring or coaching would find this book useful – regardless of which career stage/s they might be supporting, which programme/s or external provider/s they have partnered with and which school or setting they work in.”
More publications from our team
Book chapters
Oberholzer, L. and Macklin, J. (2023), The Use of Semiotics and Narrative Frameworks to Investigate Leadership Theories and Leadership Development, Kara, H. (2023), Handbook of Creative Research Methods, London: Bloomsbury.
Oberholzer. L. (2022), The Joy of Mentoring, in Bono, T. (2022), Tiny Voice Talk. UK: Crown House.
Pang, B., Oberholzer, L. and Pui Sin Wai, W. (2022) “British Chinese Pupils’ Mental Wellbeing,” in Muhamud, A. and Satchell, L. (2022), Mental Wellbeing in Schools: What Teachers Need to Know to Support Pupils. Oxon: Routledge.
Oberholzer, L. (2021), Chapter 3, So Much More Than Just a Teacher, Teachers of SEND, in Mullin, S.(ed.) (2021), Chronicles of the Classroom, UK: Word & Deed Publishing Inc.
Lord, E. and Oberholzer, L. (2021) Chapter 2, Sustainable Teaching – Professional Development, in Newton, G. and Waterman, C. (2021) Re-imagining Education in England, APGG, UK: IRIS Press.
Oberholzer, L. (2020). Managing constant change in: Capel S., Lawrence, J., Leask, M. and Younie, S. (ed.), Surviving and Thriving in the Secondary School: The NQT’s Essential Companion. UK: Routledge.
Oberholzer, L. (2020). A Small Fish in a Big Pond: Educational Leadership Outside of a School Environment in: Featherstone, K. and Porritt, V. (ed.) Being 10% Braver SAGE Publications. pp. 96-102.
Boyle. D. (2019) Looking after yourself and your professional development, Surviving and Thriving in the Secondary School: The NQT’s Essential Companion, Oxon: Routledge.
Journal articles
Oberholzer, L. Lessons from lockdown: the education legacy of Covid-19 Journal of Education for Teaching, 21 Apr 2022.
Oberholzer, L. (2021) Book Review: The Great Education Robbery: How the Government Took our Schools and Gave Them to Big Business by Nigel Gann, MIE Research Journal. London: Sage.
Oberholzer, L. (2021) The importance of governance and governing in every leadership dimension: an Interview with Professor Ron Hill, MIE Research Journal. London: Sage.
Oberholzer, L. (2021), Governance and Governing RIG Report. MIE Research Journal. London: Sage.
Pace, J. and Oberholzer. L. (2022) Hard Questions: Learning to teach controversial issues. UK: BERA.
Oberholzer, L. and Vare, P. (2021) Continuing Professional Development: What are the key characteristics that will enhance CPD to ensure that it has a powerful and lasting impact? UK: IPDA.
Oberholzer, L. Holme, R., Robertson, H. and Amond, M. (2021) Grassroots CPD a powerful force to meet individual professional learning needs, UK: IPDA
Oberholzer, L. (2021), Is there a glass ceiling in Higher Education? SAGE Blog.
Oberholzer, L. (2020), Governance in Education during a time of crisis: a key role. BELMAS Blog.
Oberholzer, L. (2020), Coaching and Mentoring: Offering Support in a time of change. BELMAS Blog.
Boyle, D (2020), A new paradigm and challenge for school-based ITT mentors, CollectivED [10], pages 12-15, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.
Boyle, D (2020) How can we get through this new normal? Teaching in a post Covid-19 World.
Boyle, D (2022) The marketisation of Initial Teacher Training – a view from inside the system.
Boyle, D (2023) Developing and sustaining professional learning communities within School-Centred Initial Teacher Training in England.
Boyle, D (2023) Professional Learning Networks within School-Centred Initial Teacher Training in England.
Atwal, K and Oberholzer, L (2023), Coaching & mentoring for school staff, Headteacher Update Podcast.
Oberholzer, L. and O’Leary, M. (2021), Classroom Observation. IPDA Podcast.
Oberholzer, L. and Ingleby, E. (2021), Neoliberalism Across Education. IPDA Podcast.
Oberholzer, L. and White, E. (2021), Being a Teacher Educator. IPDA Podcast.
Oberholzer, L. and Vare, P. (2021), What are the key characteristics that enhance CPD? IPDA Podcast.
Oberholzer, L. (2021), Mentoring and Coaching BAME Educators. Faculti.
Oberholzer, L. (2021), Mentoring and Coaching. Tiny Voice Talks.